So yeah I haven’t written anything bloglike in awhile, so it might suck but here we go.
It is the New Year already. I have only had to write the date on something once that I know of, but it felt weird to do so. Like maybe I had gone to sleep for too long and had missed something, you know, like several months of my life.
And in some ways that’s what the last few months has felt like. I quit my job, moved out of my parents house to a house in Minneapolis, and became a part of a new church family, all of those happening in a very short amount of time.
The reason this seems so strange and dreamlike is that it is just so different from the way I do things. Sometimes I do make snap decisions, but it is usually never over anything really big or long term.
But here I am, in north Minneapolis, next to Brooklyn Center, about 8 or so miles from Knollwood Christian Church, where I attend church and help with youth group and participate in a young adult Bible study. I have worked as a temp at four different places where I have recycled television glass, sorted car engine parts, made paving bricks out of old tires, and taken apart TV’s. And all of it is very real.
Some of it has been wonderful and full of amazing blessings, other times I have felt lonelier than I had in years. But, ultimately, it has been the right decision. God paved the way for me to be here, and He knows why He wants me here, and I think that has to be good enough.
My advice for the New Year is to enjoy it. If last year was not a good one, take comfort that our God was good. If last year was the best year of life so far, thank God for the reasons why it was and don’t assume He can’t or won’t top 2011.
On a slightly different note, there is a man at my current work site who looks like an Asian Barrack Obama. God Bless 2012.