This is the first post I have written in a little over two months. Not only is it the first post to this blog in that time, but the first thing I have written at all, for anything. And to be honest, I’m not sure why.
The old adage is that practice makes perfect, that you can’t get any better at something if you don’t regularly do it. I would like to be a good writer, and I believe that God has given me the ability to communicate truth in a variety of ways. So naturally, I should be trying to exercise that gift as much as possible, in order to improve and make use of what I have been given.
Yet here we are on September the 15th. (I guess that means this piece is now dated). I can point a finger at being busy with work, which is true, but that doesn’t explain all the time I’ve had to watch DVDs and not get my apartment in order. Oh by the way, the house I lived in got sold and I moved in to an apartment 4.5 miles away from the old place. So that’s something, too, but still.
I don’t really know if there really is a point to this piece or not. I think I enjoy communicating, whether it’s a deep truth or just making somebody laugh. But I often lack the discipline to put my words down, something I should do before I completely forget them. So I am going to try to do better. This concludes this post. Seacrest out.