It has one year and ten days since I have last written anything in this blog. If you have read this in the past, you know that I did not post every day; at my best I was good for a few times a week. As time went on, I would post less and less frequently, then stopping altogether.
I have been meaning to write this for sometime to give an explanation of what happened. I started this blog (crud, I used the blog word again) because I felt I had something to say that could be of value. If anything I have written in the past has encouraged you, made you laugh, made you think about something in a new way, or just gave you something to read that wasn't about Kim Kardashian, then it was worth it and I am honored to have blessed you in some way.
That wasn't the only reason I wrote, however. I had ideas swirling around my brain for years but never did anything with them. Basically the reason I actually started writing stuff down was because I wanted to impress a woman I was interested in at the time. I think good things have come from me writing, but my motives were wrong and I am sorry for that. Partly because I grew dissatisfied with what I was doing and partly because my girl catching strategy failed, I wrote less and less until I just stopped.
So, I am going to keep writing. I do not know how frequently or if anyone will read it, but I think it is still worthwhile. I also encourage you to do things for the right reasons. God can and will use us in our brokenness and failure, but doing good things for the wrong reasons hurts you and the Body of Christ. Farewell for now, Karl Domogalla