Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fiddle Dee Dee, It’s a Small World After All

Recently I find myself experiencing an interesting phenomenon: It seems as if everybody I know knows everybody else I know. The couple from high school who are friends with the brother of an old college friend. That guy from college who leads youth group with one of my younger brother’s high school friends.

And it’s not just that; I’m coming across people who know people who know people. A friend’s friend’s mother-in-law who knows a random guy I went to college with for a year. Odd little things like that. People who met and found out they both knew me, only to find out they knew a lot more of the same people than they had previously been aware.

This is the kind of thing that would happen to every once in a while, but has been happening a lot more recently. Not because I talk to people like a human being, but because I peep on their random thoughts through Facebook. I have two thoughts on this: One, I wish that I was a bit more of the connecting factor between these people and not just finding these things out randomly; I could use an ego boost right now.

Thought number two: Despite how big our world is, no matter what its population size, or what your background is, we are all connected to one another as human beings. If we take it to a larger perspective, despite the size, population, and diversity of our world, there is one God who fashioned it together and knows all who live upon it.

All these people who I come across that know each other, even though I wouldn’t expect them to, are not just a part of the human family, but a part of God’s family. This family is not bound together by geography, ethnicity, or human bloodlines, but by the blood of Jesus Christ. And if I make no other point in this writing, let it be that we are never alone: Not only is our God with us, but His children are everywhere, willing to cry or laugh with you. It’s true, even when it doesn’t feel that way.

It is a small world after all, held in the hands of a God who does all things well.

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