Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine Stew

So I have a few thoughts to share on Valentine’s Day. Nothing too revolutionary or anything like that; I just have some intellectual odds and ends about February 14th.

-Knowing that Valentine’s Day is overrated does not make me feel me any better about being single on Valentine’s Day. Those in relationships who are not making a fuss at least have the option of not fussing together.

-If you are interested in someone and they do not share those feelings, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, or with them. It just means they are not interested.

-I want to make Christian themed Valentine cards. I learned last week that there are candy hearts with messages like ‘Jesus luvs u’ and such. They’re sort of like Testamints, in that you can share parts of the Gospel without ever actually having to talk to people. My cards would say things like

‘Jesus- He’ll never break your heart for no good reason’.

-My favorite part of Valentine’s Day is the reduced price candy in the following days.

Well those are my thoughts. Happy something or other.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Texting: The Saga Continues

So I have complained about texting and instant messaging before; I think my complaints were valid and we’re not going to go through those again (I also would have to look them up because I forgot what they were).

So instead, I have come up with some texting acronyms of my own. You know what I am talking about, like lol (laugh out loud) or rofl (roll on floor laughing). I will list an acronym and its meaning, because I am such a nice guy. And away we go.

LML: Lose my lunch

DIMU: Dancing in my underwear

TOT: Texting on toilet

STPTB: Skills to pay the bills

SWAG: Swag!

AYSTAFG: Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

IIRTAIRPBRCCCCBCPARCCWOA: If I really think about it, regular Pepsi beats regular Coca Cola, Cherry Coke beats Cherry Pepsi, and R.C. Cola wins over all.

Well, there it is. I give you permission to use those while you are texting or using instant messaging…providing you give me $.35 each time you use one.